Wednesday 23 April 2014

Wolf of Wall Street Research


It was not promoted throughout many magazines in term of being on the front cover, it has been widely promoted through broadcast media as there are adverts on the television promoting its successful reviews, the adverts also state the cinema release date. There is also an advert that has promoted the film on mainstream radios like capital.The Dvd and Blu-ray was released on the 25th March 2014. The trailer is a way of promoting the film on youtube as this is a platform that is free and available to a large audience, without costing the company any more money.

Print Media is not instant and free like E-MediaTV is becoming less dictated by scheduling (Sky+), more and more specialist channels, competition from the likes of You Tube E-Media is hard to police (piracy); people are bombarded with information; social networking and increasing audience participation (user generated content) 
Changes in technologies include platforms like youtube where people may upload the film illegally. the company may then choose to release the film on different platforms to emit piracy. This is helpful as the people who do not want the film in the cinema have other alternatives and now do not need to find the film illegally online to watch it.

The reviews of the film promote the film in a very positive way as they praise the success of it, on average the film has a 4 star rating. An outstanding statistic also shows that since the film has been released there has been a high rise in the amount of people looking for jobs as stockbrokers. The critic said “just show someone living a lavish life with drugs and women and everybody wants to become a stockbroker” This also goes to show how a profession has been promoted by the film.  However the film can also carry a negative connotation to the job as there are also many things that certain critics did not approve of. The main concern was the use of animals within the film and the assumption that some of the animals did not want to be in the film however they were forced to be in it resulting in psychological stress in the animals. Trailers of the film have also been made present on the television and they have been very short and snappy and have majorly been emphasising on the good reviews of the film. The film also has a soundtrack which has been released via digital download; it consists of 16 tracks even though over 60 were used in the film.


The similarities are that there is consistency of the theme of the film, including the types of scenes being shown are very much party like as they include themes of celebrations. Differences include the length of the scenes shown. On YouTube the clip is roughly 2 mins and on the TV the clip lasts no longer than 10 seconds.

The film is promoted to its target audience through print through banners throughout the country, advertisements on the TV, and stars like Leonardo DiCaprio have starred on magazine covers promoting the film. The have also been in magazine articles about the film. 

Emotionally the film may have affected its audience by the types of scenes used in it, for example a scene of a husband and wife arguing and throwing each other around in front of a young child is a scene that can affect people emotionally and it my even have an impact on their own lives and how they speak to their own spouse and children. The film has influenced a larger demand for stockbroker jobs which can generate a lot more income from people within the uk.

The consant drug use in the film can be interpreted in two ways. One being interpreted positively and negatively. The drug use could influence a large amount of the population to take them as they are glorified in the film; as they are linked to money and success and these assets are likeable by the audience. The drugs could have a psychological effect on some people due to the harmful side effects of them. 

I think that the audience would be reformers, aspirers and possibly mainstreamers as this film is world acclaimed. They are appealing to a young audience and they are doing this by glorifying the things young people find attractive like drugs, money, the opposite sex and alcohol.
There are not many ways the consumers can interact with print or digital media as the stars of the film are already very well established. However there has been a lot of talk about the film regarding e-media. For example there is a Twitter and Facebook page that both promote the film and it has links to other sites like amazon where you can purchase the film.


The characters and their wealth and success is always being glorified in the promotion of this film. The Broadcast media consists of a trailer that is full of energy ad shows people celebrating and partying. Most the facial expressions seem to be happy

Some of the ideologies that the print media represents are hose of that everything is a party. A piece of print includes Leanoardo Dicaprio holding a microphone and screaming in it, whilst in front of a crowd that seems like they are having fun. This could support the theory of Mulvey’s feel and male gaze. It could also show the theory of the hypodermic needle theory as a stockbroker may stereotypically seen as someone with a lot of money and a lavish lifestyle.

The E Media also consists of a yellow theme which could resemble happiness as it is so bright. The website consists of different photos and still pictures from the movie that show people having a good time and throwing money around. This could reinforce Richard Dyers’ view on stereotypes that could suggest stockbrokers live a party-like lifestyle as they earn a lot of money and therefore have a lot of power in society.

The trailer also consists of several clips that suggest that stockbrokers live a lavish lifestyle. This could be presented to the audience in this way as it may motivate them to work harder in their careers to have the same kind of success. It may also encourage people to find jobs as stockbrokers.

Most actors in the film are represented as white individuals. There is also a dominance of females in the film as a lot of females are shown in sex scenes, and there are sometimes multiple women with one man. The age group represents young adults to seniors; an age group from 24-70. There are scenes that have been taken across the globe, this could indicate the more money you have the more time you have to do international business and travelling. There is more focus on drug addictions in the film than religious beliefs.


The film was being fought over by different institutions after passing a lot of regulations the film was given to a independent party called red granite pictures. The institutions involved with this production in terms of distribution are Paramount Pictures and Universal Pictures.

Some of the shots in the film were produced through green screen effects. Some producers have seen this as disappointing.

There are new platforms on the market. Eg. Apple TV encourages legal streaming where the consumer to stream however the consumer has to pay for this service. A consumer with moral ethic may choose this route. also nowadays finding an illegal link to watch a movie may be interpreted as very time consuming and therefore just want to go to the cinema and watch it without the hassle of downloading it first or at the risk of being caught. Also things like Netflix will encourage film companies to use platforms like these. 

However piracy is something that affects most films on the market and as this is a mainstream film as the actors are already so well established and recognizable it is available on websites that are showing the movie for free. It is likely that the piracy has also affected the sales of the DVD and Blue ray discs of the film.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

ill Manors: Tag London Campaign

The ill manors tag London campaign is based around the interaction with its target audience. Examples of this include involving the fans of ill manors to tweet or post photos on instagram about them and their engagement with the production. Eg. A photo of a fan holding a copy of the film or a photo of a fan waiting in a line for a signing. Other forms of engagement were also used through facebook. Fans are allowed to post photos on the ill manors page. The hashtags and tweets are good examples of promotional substance on a platform that is accessible to everyone. Also as an individual will tweet more, they will also increase an awareness about the topic they are talking about and in this case ill manors is being promoted.

The use of tweets is used to promote the film including the use of hashtags. The hashtags are used in order to help set trends and get the consumers and fans engaged with the movement of the film, this will help with the popularity of the film

One link which is in constant use is the view of the deprived children who have grown up on council estates and are discriminated because of their upbringing which results in them being less motivated and therefore less bale to achieve well in educational systems. This is the base and narrative of the film.

User generated campaigns may feel the urge to work hard as they have alot more to achieve and therefore their drive for being successful may be the cause resulting in being very successful


The demographics would be C2, D and E. The psychographic groups would be mainstreamers.The music video is very informal and may therefore may be targeting the audience through the use of slang through the amount of curses and swearwords in the text.


The demographic groups of C,C2 and D would be affected and the psychographic groups of aspirers would be affected. This tweet is a rhetorical question that could rise awareness in schools.


The demographics of A,B,C,C2,D and E would be affected as this would also appeal to the psychographic goups of mainstreamers which pretty much involves everyone. The tweet could have abig impact on the people that view it.


The demographics of B,C,C2 and D would be affeted and the psychographic groups of mainstreamers would be affected.


The psychographic groups of mainstreamers would be affected as this tweet is very simple and straight to the point. All the demographic groups would see this relevent.

ill Manors E-Media Research


The Facebook page for ill manors has not been in use for a while as obviously ill manors was a film and there is not much more that the producers can do to engage the audience with it as most of the hype about it has died down. The page does have 30,000 likes which means that 30,000 people will still be informed about any additional content that may be put out by the page. The amount of likes indicates that the film was fairly successful.


The twitter page of ill manors has 3k followers, this is not a vast amount but it is strongly assumed that a lot of the fans would rather follow the director and main man himself Plan B on his twitter account. Hashtags where used with such words as illmanors, legaldownloads. It has used pictures with fans that help promote the film. The twitter page also promotes the DVD as some of the tweets state some phrases such as "have you got your copy of ill manors yet!?'. There also photos on twitter that show fans with their copies of the film on DVD and Blue ray. This is how how the twitter page promotes the DVD and film.


There are photos on instagram with hashtags including illmanors; stylized #illmanors. These are used to try and set trends however the hype of ill manors has died down. Pictures on instagram include fans holding their copies of the DVD at various signing events. Other pictures include still photos from the films and captions which are now recognised as memes. An official page for the instagram however is not directly made


Planbuk the youtube channel has a banner of the film that promotes the film. This directly engages with the audience as it is likely to be the first thing they see as it is covering a large amount of space. It also has an image of Plan B himself connoting that it is his own film on his own channel . Even though the channel is used for a lot of the music he has created that has not been linked with the movie he has still chosen to promote his own movie on the same channel. He does however have different playlists that indicate what each piece of music/video is corresponding to.

The banner is very effective as it also uses comments and statements to help influence its effect on the viewer. For example it states that ill manors was a number 1 album which is also promoting his success, this has a piece of text next to it which states out now on iTunes which demonstrates that it is available to buy. There are also several ratings from professional film reviewers/critics which also promote the success of the film by giving it 5 or 4 stars.

There also logos of other companies that are supporting him like Atlantic and Warner music. The synergy also includes hyper link buttons that can take the viewer to Google+, Twitter, Facebook, iTunes and soundcloud.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Learner Response

The platforms used for promoting the film are done by the budget of the film and the target audience specificity being targeted. The demographic groups of C1 C2 D and E will be appealed by this as they are the ones that are most targeted by a low budget film and they will also be the kind of people who are likely to be using FREE social networking sites like twitter and facebook. These platforms are appropriate as because they are free, they are accessible by everyone. The psycho graphic groups of explorers would be appealed by this as they are likely to act the niche market for a film like ill manors. This is because ill manors at first may not seem appealing by such a mainstream audience. The platform of print however was not distributed widely as e media as this would cost the company more money and this would not really be feasible as ill manors is a low budget company. Also print is less likely to reach the demographic and psycho graphic groups of that are targeted for ill manors.

Thursday 6 March 2014

Facebook and twitter research

The similarities between the social networking sites are that they have not been intact for a year now as ill manors the film is getting older and older and therefore less promotion is needed however twitter and facebook both advertised campaigns that promoted the film and also promoted competitions that helped teenagers to get involved in media projects and there were a lot of filming opportunities. The differences included the layout of the pages and the concept of the different networks. The idea of facebook having likes ad twitter having followers. The facebook page was more popular than the twitter page probably because more of the fans on facebook at the time as twitter has recently only had a huge surge of demand

Print Platform: Advertising

The key conventions that help us identify the print text is the consistency of typography that has been used throughout the selection of print work. They all have the ill manors logo and they are all being displayed in the same way apart from some colour changes. The consistent use typography helps us establish that this is the official style used to promote the film.

The design features include a constant theme of street culture and ideology. We can see this as most of the prints are set in a street setting. The logo is always bold and well established and it also mostly makes a reference that it is a Ben Drew film.

The examples of synergy used through the platform of advertising are the are the references made to the websites which have been displayed in the corner of most of the advertisements. This shows the viewer ways and opportunities made available to engage and interact with the brand

Thursday 27 February 2014

Learner Response

Clear writing with good media language.

Wrote more in the exam
Given more theorys

Learner Response:

Todorovs Theory of equillbrium could relate to the fact that he was driving very happily with no tension and he could not foresee anything bad happening however a disequilibrium was set when things started to go from good to bad and he started to crash the imaginary vehicle. A new equilibrium was however set when the mother and daughter acted as a safety belt. So using todorovs theory he has set a starting point, a problem and an ending point.

Also it was theVladimir Propp theory that was used for the man being a hero and not Barthes. The girl had angel wings that represented her as the hero.

GTA 5 Mock Exam

Media Forms

The use of graphical images immediatley awares the audience that the trailer is about a game and could potentially be based on fictional content. The actions taken by the characters could indicate that they are not that wealthy and therefore they rob moeny to make themselves more well off. This could also indicate that they want to be bigger people than they are at the moment, giving a hope of aspiration. The theory of Vladimir Propp suggests that theyb are being represented as villains however they are still likeable by amn audience and therefore gives the trailer a unique selling point. All the action demonstrated by the characters makes the trailer seem that it is promoting a game of such nature as action and violence and hence rated 18.

Media Representations

War is represented throughout the trailer with the use of weapons and damage that has been inflicted on others. There is constant use of weapons in use, used to steal money from banks as we see money bags and the characters running with them while there is an entorauge of police and army officers. The use of the diegetic sound of sirens can also be used to signify that there is a dillema. The fast paced action in the clips also represents war and action. Buglary is also shown as cars are being broken into and robbed. The constant use of explosions and fire also adds to the emphasis of conflict and war.

Media Institutions

The trailer shows various clips from the games game play in no specific order which makes the viewer interested in the games story line. The trailer uses the idea of Barthes enigma codes as it uses clips that look mysterious and therefore draw the viewer in. The use of uplifting diegetic music is also something that a typical trailer would have as it adds to the emphasis of the clips being shown and sets the mood for the whole trailer. It also shows Todorov's theory of an equilibrium of when a character is living a normal life however a disequilibrium starts when the character starts to do bad things. The use of Medhursts shorthand stereotypes is also used to represent that men are the people who get into troublesome events and dillemas that are very dangerous, this could be used to make the characters look more masculine. 

Media Audiences

This text will appeal to the psychographic groups of mainstreamers as the game is very well known and has been a very successful franchise over the years. The demographic groups of C1, C2, D and E will be interested as they will have more time on their hands in order to play the game. It offers the pleasure of pretending to be a character shown in the clip through a virtual means of entertainment and gaming. The user can interact with other users online therefore demonstrating the use of synergy in the game. The game is rated 18 which therefore also implements that a user should be 18 or over in order to be playing this game due to the content that m ay be seen as innapropriate if played by someone younger.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Plan B Print Texts: Interviews

Mens Health

The online magazine is easily accessible to a large audience. the psychographic groups of aspirers and reformers would be attracted as they would be interested on how people have made reformations. The demographic groups of B,C1 and D would all be attracted as they want to increase their knowledge about other peoples experiences.You can also contribute at the bottom of the page as you can leave a comment. You can share the article on other networking sites aswell. The text is very informal and this technique may make some of the fans of Plan B or other readers feel very engaged with the text. The narrative displays how lost weight and how he shares his experiences with the magazine.

Q Magazine

This text may attract the psychographic groups of mainstreamers will be apparent as Q magazine targets those groups. The demographic groups of of A, B C1 and C2 would be apparent as they would be interested in this text. The article allows the viewers to see a live video reaction of Plan B's audience. The text also has informal language and some viewers may find some of the content inappropriate. We can see an interviewer therefore making it obvious that it is an interview. The narrative is showing an audience reaction to Plan B's Reaction.


This text may attract the psychographic groups of mainstreamers. The demographic groups of A-C2 would find this interesting as the Guardian magazine offers its material to a vast variety of audiences. This article makes Plan B increase his target audience as he is not normally showcased on such mainstream forms of media, he could have also used this mainstream platform as a means of promotion as he is not conducting the interview how he normally would with offensive language. The text entertains and informs alot about the life and history of Plan B. The narrative is used to tell the audience on how he made a low budget film like Ill Manors, and going through how he made it to be successful.


This text may attract the psychographic groups of aspirers, reormers and mainstreamers. The demographic groups of c1, c2 and d would be attracted to this article. The text has informal language and offensive vocabulary which could offend some viewers. The text also concentrates on his musical career, gossip, rumours and his views on it all. The viewers are of a large audience and the text allows the viewers to post a comment and sharing the article on other websites. The narrative of this text is to show the reasons and stories behind the songs that he makes.

Sunday 23 February 2014

Print Research

The red stamp is a point of interest for customers, as it stands out from the background. Using this will make a magazine look more realistic as it is a way to point out something that appeals to its audience.

The aspect of this magazine that says official makes the customer feel assured about the content they are about to engage in; establishing that the magazine is official.

The use of text used to make the cover look appealing is something that i take inspiration from. As the use of colour also creates a contrast between the background.

I will use the concept of using a competition to make this more appealing to consumers. As in this magazine it says 'Win! Seasons & Dvds!' 

Using the idea of a rhetorical question will be a good way to lure consumer in to my magazine cover as this engages the consumer as soon as they read the question.

This is an example of a souvenir magazine.

The title of publication is Doctor Who. The text is made bold and is used in a bright colour to be made apparent, using block letters also gives it emphasis

The Slogan is 'Celebrating 50 years of adventures in space and time'. This gives this specific magazine a subject therefore the reader will know what to expect in terms of the content as it is made clear through the slogan.

The central image is an image of the previous actors that played the role of the Doctor, this is effective as it gives a reader a bit of history just through a picture.

The main flash/cover line is 'the day of the doctor. It has been written in the centre of the main characters torso meaning it is hard to miss and therefore more effective. 'The doctor's past comes back to haunt him' is also another use of this as it could relate to the history of the show being stated in the slogan

This issue contains 13 collectors edition anniversary art cards, 9 downloads of Doctor Who audio adventures and chances to win blu ray cd's books and cd's.

The colour scheme consists of black, white, gold and red. White is used in texts to help make it stand out whereas the black is used as a background. The gold is used as behind some texts in red, this helps to make a contrast and makes it more appealing to the reader

On the right hand side it shows what will be included inside the magazine including competitions and prizes

The language emphasises the word doctor as this will stick in the readers mind.

The font is big and viewable, block letters are used. This helps the reader as it will be more eye catchy and the reader will be more attracted to the cover however less important text is smaller and less apparent.

Competitions are made available as they are promoted on the cover and engages the readers.

The barcode is placed at the bottom right with a price and issue number.

The real target audience for this is children from ages of 12 and above, some families may enjoy the show or magazine not to mention some older teenagers may also enjoy the franchise.

Tuesday 11 February 2014


As it is on the BBC the main aim is to educate, inform, entertain. It educates people about Plan B and what he stands for. It entertains people by the amusement of interview. It informs people about what Plan B is realising to the general public. The interview was also based around the creativity of Plan B. How he works and how the way that he works. The interview also shows Plan B balanced dieting and he talks about weight loss issues while editing the film that he made. During the interview Plan B track is played on Radio 1. Radio 1 is a mainstream radio channel. Having a song that is being played is good for promotion for the song. It also allows the song to be played many times a day.

Thursday 6 February 2014

Ill Manors Website // Plan B TV Interviews

Ill Manors Website:-

The key features of the website include trailers, merchandise, music apps, game apps, reviews, social media, behind the scenes, competitions, biography and the caste. The key features will make the audience feel more engaged with the website as there is more stuff that they will be able to engage it.

The Ill Manors website interacts with the audience in several ways. The audience can watch the trailer from the website. They can also look at still shots that include the caste of the film on the website. The soundtrack album can also be purchased from the website. The website acts as a cross promotion for the film and the album and everything else the website represents.

The interview on the Jonathan Ross show shows Plan B after he has achieved a higher status and is more acclaimed. He talks about meeting people who have inspired him. The target audience for this clip is mainstreamers as the show has been broadcasted on BBC at 10PM. Also the shows has other celebrities who are world renouned so therefore the audience is much more broad. The demographic groups of A, B and C and E would all watch this. He talks about his poor education, background and coming from nothing to something. In this clip Plan B is represented like a man who has achieved a lot over the years.

This interview on Soccer Am is broadcasted on SKY One in the morning. As it is primarily a football chat show, football fans would be attracted to the show. In this show however Plan B talks about the making of his first album and his musical style and how it has evolved over the years. This interview was done before Plan B had achieved mainstream success. The psychographic groups of mainstreamers, aspirers and reformers would be interested in this show. The demographic groups of B, C1, C2, D and E would all be interested. In this clip Plan B is represented as an up and coming artist who has not yet achieved mainstream success.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Ill Manors Research Task

Institutions that were involved with Ill Manors were Film London Microwave, Aimimage and BBC Films.

The budget for the film was £100,000 which is very low and since the box office was £453,570 they did make a substantial profit.

Firstly he was denied funding because he was an inexperienced director, therefore he was not able to cast out big actors for the production however he used actors he had previously;y worked with and then went on tour to raise some revenue so he could fund himself.

The target audience for the film was aimed at people from ages 18-45 as the film consisted of very mature themes. The psycho graphic groups of struggler's, reformers and aspirer's were all targeted. The demographic groups of people in C2, D and E would also find this production appealing as they are more likely to relate to lower income lifestyles.

The Main distributor of the film was Revolver Entertainment.

Ill Manors was promoted through social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook. It was also promoted by banners of the film that had been put up in the suburbs of London. The soundtrack was also a very dominant way of promoting the album.

The difference between a big blockbuster film and Ill manors is that the budget of ill manors was so small meaning that the ideas that Plan B had would have been constrained allowing him not to produce bigger scenes that would involve more money. However for the budget that Plan B had the film was outstanding. Having a small budget also meant that less money was spent on promoting the film properly. Similarities are that the film did reach a vast amount of cinema throughout the UK allowing it to be watched by a larger audience.

The trailer of the film starts of with a quote that would attract the viewer and therefore immediately engages with the audience. The quote makes the audience more eager to find out if they can actually relate to the film. The viewer may evaluate the realism of the film and may try to incorporate it to see if it matches their own lifestyle; This is an example of enigma. The trailer itself makes the viewer more engaged as it shows London how it is in the places it is not glamorised much as the centre of London. This aspect makes the viewer feel more engaged with the setting of the scene and clip. The non diegetic music also helps the viewer engage more with the clip as it is parallel to the scenes being shown.

The trailer uses the dialogue to help explain the narrative and the video to help as the spectacle and attracted audiences.

The film is meant to be an 18 due to the mature themes shown throughout the course of the film. This is due to the high sexual content and violence shown in the film. All this content could make a 15 year old to act differently however an 18 year old would percieve it more differently.

Thursday 30 January 2014

Ill Manors Music Video Research

The Ill Manors the soundtrack to the movie was released on Atlantic Records.
The average score for the album was 83/100 based on 14 professional critics. This indicates that the soundtrack has been acclaimed worldwide therefore indicating that the album has had very good promotion.
The lead single also titles 'iLL Manors' Sold 37,455 copies within its first week

Media Representation

Within the video the characters are mainly male dominated to show a form of masculinity and this can also be seen as Mulveys Female gaze. However we can also used Medhursts theory of stereotypes being based on the truth in this example as statistics show that men are more violent than women and therefore this video has been male dominated. Also it could be said that as Plan B is the opinion leader and he is a male therefore indicating he could have more male followers than female. The age of the people in the video are roughly people from 18-35. apart from a few exclusions which includes people who are younger than 18.

Media Institutions

This music video does not promote anything in a way that people would look up to or want to be like as most things in the video have a negative representation. For example most teenagers do not rob and loot however the teenagers shown in the video do rob and loot. The video glamours the ideas of anti social behaviour although the lyrics of the song are justifying the reasons why only some people may act this way and that people to blame are the people with more authority not caring about the youth that is at a disadvantage. The video does have a message indicating that there is a a very distinct difference between those that are advantaged and those who are not and Plan B is making this video as powerful as possible to convey his message to a much larger audience.

Media Audience

The media audience for this video is likely to be the youth, music fans or even people from an older generation that would like to be educated and people who would like to see an opinion leaders point of view as Plan B is representing the disadvantaged youth. I think the youth will find it appealing as they are more likely to relate to the situations Plan B is describing even if they are not from a disadvantaged background they still may be able to understand other youths point of views. I think that people in the psycho-graphic groups of reformers and aspirer's are likely to be attracted to this as reformers may want freedom from restriction and that these youths may be fighting for what they classify as freedom and may claim to be restricted. Struggler's may also find this appealing as they might be relate to the video more as they come from similar backgrounds or situations. The demographic groups of C2, D and E may also be interested as they probably have low income and feel the same way about politics and society as the people in the video or the disadvantaged youth.

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Ill Manors: Ted X Lecture

Plan B's main message was to inform the people who were not yet educated about why exactly some of the youth are in deprived situations and what exactly makes them worse. His argument was that instead of making a disadvantaged child feel left out, someone should make them feel more comfortable because as they are left out they feel like they are not apart of people who conduct themselves normally. This results in anti social behaviour and makes the youth feel like they are not part of society and they are outlaws. Plan b emphasised that this is were society fails to recognise to treat everyone equally.

By looking at the crowd the people seem to be wanting to learn from people with different experiences thus attending the lecture. The majority of the crowd seems to be middle class white people. According to demographics I would say that people in classes A,B,C1 and C2 would be most likely to attend a kind of lecture like this. Using psycho graphics I think that reformers and aspirer's are most likely to attend. The audience that Plan B associates himself with I would say is the opposite of this crowd. Plan B's music and films are very urban and therefore attracting different crowd than middle class people and people in education.

Plan b says that the media sometimes does not illustrate an accurate picture of the youths of this generation as they are misunderstood and the alternative readings of the youth are shown

The disadvantaged youth may cause a moral panic under the influence of an opinion leader as the majority of the population may fear them because they do not fully comprehend the ideas of their opposition as a moral panic is an intense feeling expressed in a population about an issue that appears to threaten the social order

MEST2 Progress Report - 16 January

Work Completed since 6 January
since the 6th of January we have completed the script, shot list, storyboard, and almost completed the mise-en scene. We have organised a group meeting which

Incomplete Pre-production tasks

Next Steps/Action Plan

Date filming will be complete
Date editing will be complete

Thursday 23 January 2014

Progress Report

Work that has been completed in the past 7 days:

Shot list has been completed however is not in the order required

Tuesday 21 January 2014

1) What does this tell us about Plan B's intentions in making the film?

2) What do we learn about the production process for Ill Manors?

3) What can you tell about the possible target audience from this short documentary?

4) Does the film successfully do what director Ben Drew (Plan B) set out to achieve? Explain your answer with reference to both the film and the making of documentary.

Plan B's Intentions for making this film were to educate the audience on how living and how gritty some parts of London exactly are. He did this by setting the film in Forest Gate in East London. Which shows that the gritty parts of London however it can also show the fact that in East London the Olympics had taken place which glamorised the area.

We learn that the film was made on a low budget and therefore Ben Drew could not hire out bigger actors, however he did need actors with experience to act out more serious and major roles in the film. According to him it would be made out to be more realistic if some of the actors recruited were actually part of the life they were acting out as their acting would therefore be more dominant than actors who were less informed or grew up in different backgrounds. We also learn that Ben Drew did not know many of the key terms however as he was so passionate about film making he was able to execute and deliver such a great film 

Ill Manors Trailer

The typical codes and conventions of film trailers are for the viewer to try and establish the genre, plot and setting of the film.

Trailers are distributed digitally, through TV, Cinema and the Internet.

Ill Manors has used trailer conventions such as the quote that has been displayed at the start of the trailer "We are all products of our environment... Some environments are just harder to survive in" This already has communicated to the audience that the film entails people living in harsh environments where they find it hard to survive. There are several scenes of people going through pain or showing emotion of distress while using items such as weapons and drugs. This indicates that the film is about how negative items can make people feel negative emotions.

The target audience is adults as the trailer exposes many mature themes. The trailer consists of fast paced editing that shows many scenes of the film. The scenes are not showed in the same order as they are presented in the film, this gives the viewer an idea of what the film has in it however as it is not showed in order it does not give much of the storyline away. By showing scenes in this order it will allow the viewer to already construct a storyline for themselves and then they will then be able to compare it to what is actually happening when they watch the film. The main characters are visible in the trailer though not all of the characters that play big roles in the film are made visible. There is a scene which shows the director in the mirror of a car making the viewer aware that the director of the movie (Plan B AKA Ben Drew) has a small cameo in the film. Towards the end of the trailer text appears saying 'IN CINEMAS JUNE 6TH' which makes the viewer aware of the release date. There is also non diegetic music of Plan B rapping which is parallel to the scenes shown as it describes the lifestyle these characters live in.

The settings of streets and the dark lighting show that the film does not have a very positive feel. It gives the viewer the impression that the characters are surrounded by dull and negative vibrations and lifestyles. As they are mostly on the street a viewer could say that this is a urban film. The fast paced editing also shows action and that the scenes are powerful. 

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Learner Response

WWW: Good references to representation theory (Psycho graphics)
EBI: State narrative theory in Q2.

The voice-over gives a sort of character and links with the editing. According to Propp and the character theory the cameraman can be seen as heroes as they are the ones filming and capturing the things that others may see as educational. They can also be seen as heroes as they are the ones who are diving into the water and potentially putting their lives at risk just to capture some footage. According to Todorov there is also a disequilibrium  as the camera man struggles to cacth the footage in slow motion

Ill Manors Review

Ill Manors was directed by Ben Drew AKA Plan B. Ill Manors is his biggest movie prject to date and it was the first time he had directed such a successful film. The first film he directed was a short film called Michelle. He is also an actor and a musician.  
The actors that played the roles of characters in the film are recognisable however they have not acted in a vast range of mainstream films, so if the film was being watched by a mainstreamer it would be hard to recognise the actors. Riz Ahmed played the main role as being Aaron. He has been in other films such as Four Lions and Trishna. Another main character is Ed Skrein that plays a character called.
The storyline consists of a lot of drug use, abuse and dealing. It primarily Consists of four drug dealers that have a lot of conflict and problems within their society. The drug dealers need a source of income so if the drugs are not making enough money they will turn girls into prostitution if they have to. I think that
The main characters are Aaron and Ed, played by Riz Ahmed and Ed Skrein respectively, they acted very well portraying characters that are believed to have grown up in run down areas of London, come from a very complicated background and cannot keep themselves out of trouble. Other characters are Michelle that is acted out by Anouska Mond who acts as a crack-head who turns into prostitution as a way of making income. Marcel is also another character played by Nick Sagar that has a role of a young adult drug dealer who lives his life according to gang culture and also initiates younger members by performing such things as harming other people. Kirby was also another main character who was a major drug dealer who was responsible for a lot of other drugs within the area, this character was acted out by Keith Coggins. I think that all the actors played the role of their characters very well as none of the characters looked like they were out of place.
The mood of this film can be seen as very depressing as most of the characters are not in any happy situations and most of them are involved in a means of crime or negative situations. Also a lot of the characters die showing that if you live the kind of lifestyle the characters live, you are taking a lot of dangerous risks in your life. I would say the genre(s) this film revolves around is Crime/Thriller Drama.
The music used throughout the film was music that Plan B had written. It was mostly rap music that told stories of the characters in the film. He used a rap to introduce the characters into the film as he would tell us about their lives.  I would call Plan B’s style of telling a story ‘Musical Narration’ as he narrated the story in a style of music. His British voice also made the music parallel to the scenes. The genre of music that was used was Grime music which is a sub culture of Hip Hop.

I think the audience of this film would be mature young adults to adults reaching an age group of 18-55. I think this because the material of the film consists of a lot of Violence, Strong Language, Sex and Drug use. I think that if the film was viewed by a younger audience they would not take the film seriously or they might not be able to fully understand what is happening due to its mature nature and theme.  I think that the film is informative as it can educate an audience on how drug and gang culture has a lot of negativity attached to it.