Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Learner Response

The platforms used for promoting the film are done by the budget of the film and the target audience specificity being targeted. The demographic groups of C1 C2 D and E will be appealed by this as they are the ones that are most targeted by a low budget film and they will also be the kind of people who are likely to be using FREE social networking sites like twitter and facebook. These platforms are appropriate as because they are free, they are accessible by everyone. The psycho graphic groups of explorers would be appealed by this as they are likely to act the niche market for a film like ill manors. This is because ill manors at first may not seem appealing by such a mainstream audience. The platform of print however was not distributed widely as e media as this would cost the company more money and this would not really be feasible as ill manors is a low budget company. Also print is less likely to reach the demographic and psycho graphic groups of that are targeted for ill manors.

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